
Flamingo Rampant 2019: Discovery!

Created by S. Bear Bergman

LGBT2Q+, feminist, multi-ethnic children's books back for another season!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

over 5 years ago – Sun, Dec 30, 2018 at 07:23:37 PM

Thanks to all 958 of you beauties, we have made (and passed) our goal! Even as we speak, writers are sharpening their pencils and artists are mixing their paints, getting ready to make amazing books for the 2019 season. We will celebrate LGBT2Q families and communities, adventuresome spirits and kids who do their very best, the wisdom of nature and our own good instincts.

It's now less than a day until this Kickstarter closes (18 hours, really) and if you've been meaning to get around to it the time is now! Early support is the most valuable to any endeavor, and we'd love to have you join us.

Thanks, friends. We're so excited to show you what's in store.

Friends, we need you now.
over 5 years ago – Thu, Dec 27, 2018 at 02:44:09 AM

We NEED 200 more people to pre-order a set of books and support us in building a just, loving, inclusive future for all humans. We need queer and trans kids to feel affirmed, loved, and valid. We need the cis and straight kids who will experience these books to see and enjoy celebratory images and stories of our families so they don’t grow up to do violence against those queer and trans kids. We need all the kids who get bullied and harassed for being “different” to see themselves in the kind and brilliant light of our authors and illustrators, beautiful and perfect. We need to turn the grief of invisibility into the love of celebration. The time is now. We can't make the books this world needs without you. We have ONE WEEK to find these customers or the books don’t get made. 

I know you know these people. They're our straight allies, our affirming medical providers, our friends from college, our siblings-in-law, the parents of the children we're wild aunties and sparkly uncles to. Please, join us now. Please take a moment and email five friends: tell them about us. Tell them how your kids, siblings, students, grandkids feel when they read our books. Tell them what it would mean to YOU to live in a world where children could grow up feeling seen, and loved, and free. 

another creator video!
over 5 years ago – Tue, Dec 25, 2018 at 09:04:05 PM

Another creator video! Ryka Aoki talks about the brilliant new book she's making. You have 8 days left to make it real in the world - you, yes YOU, will have a part in making sure that ALL kids get to see a peaceful, inclusive world modeled for them. 

Invite your friends! Share this post and tag your parent-friends! Post the link! We need 250 more sets preordered and maybe you know exactly the people we need to reach

an Early Childhood Educator writes about why this work is valuable
over 5 years ago – Thu, Dec 20, 2018 at 06:06:42 PM

We got a really nice surprise yesterday from a total stranger: an Early Childhood Educator and Montessori teacher in Vancouver wrote an entire blog post about why, from a child-development perspective, she and her school value the books we make at Flamingo Rampant. 

Check out her lovely article here:

(also, friends, we're 12 days away and still need 350 more backers to pre-order a set of books to make this happen. Making great progress but we're not there yet! This is a GREAT article to email your parent and teacher friends about why they should back this project by December 30th, 2018...)

Preview of coming attractions!
over 5 years ago – Tue, Dec 18, 2018 at 11:21:43 AM

Check out this video of Flamingo Rampant author Kit Yan talking about their new book, Casey At The Ball! Casey, a trans boy, is so excited to turn in his girls softball uniform and play soccer on the boys team! He practices and practices, but on game day it turns out he's not a great soccer player... and that's not a big deal at all. His family loves and affirms him, and reassures him that he doesn't have to worry about being good at "boy things," or proving anything (and then they all go for ice cream). 

Are you going to LOVE having this book in the world? Take a minute and tell a friend how much it will mean to kids of all genders to know that trying hard and having fun is WAY more important than being perfect. If every current backer finds us just one new backer to pre-order a set of books, this Kickstarter would be funded TODAY! Can you help?