
Flamingo Rampant 2019: Discovery!

Created by S. Bear Bergman

LGBT2Q+, feminist, multi-ethnic children's books back for another season!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

holiday giving? Enjoy this holiday gift card/colouring page!
about 6 years ago – Mon, Dec 17, 2018 at 01:18:30 PM

For our friends who are giving the lovely new season of Flamingo Rampant books as a  gift - holiday, birthday, or its-Tuesday-and-I-love-you - we've made you a gift card you can download, print out and give (maybe along with some crayons?) to let someone know that their gift is sprouting now and that when it blooms we will send it on the way. Just click the image and it will download!

(and if this has you thinking, "hey! I could have ordered an extra set to give as a gift!" you can always adjust your pledge to get as many sets at you like...)

Well, hello!
about 6 years ago – Tue, Dec 11, 2018 at 11:43:08 AM

Welcome to Flamingo Rampant! Maybe you've been with us since the beginning, maybe you're a new backer, but either way THANK YOU for joining our brave little boat in the world of children's literature. We're super glad to have you.

The books we have planned are so brilliant and beautiful, and we're already getting amazing notes and ideas back from all quarters! These range from a tremendous first draft of a Power Poem from Andrea Gibson to news from Ryka Aoki that a senior editor at the Planetary Society (home of Bill Nye's blog!) will be working with her to be sure all interstellar facts are 100% accurate.

Today is #Tell2Tuesday! In order to make these books, we need to reach our Kickstarter goal by Dec 31st at 8am. We are 33% of the way there, which is great, but WE NEED YOUR HELP to make these books. Can you think of two friends - parent-friends, especially - who might not know about this Kickstarter but should? Parents committed to equity? Can you send an email or text and tell them about us today? Just cut-and-paste if you want:

>> Hey, do you know about Flamingo Rampant already? They're an amazing picture book publisher. Really cute, really fun books that also have a strong equity/justice focus for 4-8 year olds. Anyway, they're doing their Kickstarter for the new season and I pre-ordered books and I thought you might want to as well. Here's the link: <<

Thanks so much for all your support - we appreciate it so much! The other Flamingos and I can't wait to show you what we're making!